Hi! If you clicked on the link, it's because you want to know more about our APRT 7th anniversary event on July 8th.

It's a totally free event that aims to celebrate our 7 years of existence but also to give back to you.

It's in the form of a physical event at the APRT workshop in St-Rosaire on July 8, Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

You can even go see the event of our 6 years what it looked like:


On the menu:

20 gift bags, mimosas, cake pops, candies, chips, cookies, wine, surprises, discounts, liquidations, novelties, draws and participation prizes!

It's really an event close to my heart. I can not wait to see you.

Here is our facebook event: https://fb.me/e/6q3I449nZ

If you don't have facebook, we'll give you an appointment on Saturday July 8th between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. for an extraordinary shopping experience, at the APRT workshop, rain or shine, located at 241 4e rang in St- Rosary

Pleasure to see you

- Annie-Pier

June 25, 2023 — Annie-Pier Raymond


Maryse said:

Allô! J’ai tellement hâte d’aller visiter ton atelier en personne – mon amie Nath et moi allons faire 4 heures de route juste pour ça 😍

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