Keta is a 4 year old Akita Inu diagnosed with severe HD at the age of 10 months.

We went through x-rays, surgery, medication to take away some of the pain he had due to compensation in his left leg.

He therefore underwent an arthroplasty (retraction of the femoral head) at the age of 16 months. We noticed that his paw at the distal level was crooked. At that moment we understood that there had been damage to the nerves. Keta no longer used his paw after the operation. It was literally "dead" until the day he began to reuse it and adapt to its new biomechanics.

Here is a small splint which favored the normal carriage of his paw. He wore it a few times before injuring himself between the metatarsals.

After 2 years, his leg is 3 inches short due to the operation he underwent. Fortunately the root problem has been corrected. He has learned to use it again but it is very tiring when traveling.

Even though we waited 2 years after the operation, Keta never stopped being himself and using his paw as he saw fit. It's fascinating how animals adapt with their new physiognomy.

I had been wondering for a while if it would be a good thing to make an appointment to assess his condition to find out if he could be fitted for a possible splint!

So we went to Ortho Design in Pierrefonds. We consulted an Orthoprosthetist, and within 2 weeks Keta will therefore be suitable for a Tarsus-Phallange prosthesis.

Here is an example of the Tarsus-Phalange prosthesis.

WHY THIS PROJECT for a simple dog you ask me?

Because Keta is my first dog. A dog for which I waited on a waiting list for about a year and a half. I dreamed of it.

Because I spent a lot of time training him to be the dog of a lifetime!

Because I wanted to socialize him with everything so that he would be good with everything.

Because he prefers humans to dogs. He has a lot of love to give.

Because he gets along very well with other dogs (all sexes).

Because ultimately... it's worth it.

All profits made on these sweaters will go DIRECTLY for the future workshop in Keta. My goal is to sell 30 sweaters.

***** UPDATE*****

December 14, 2018

Keta received his brace adapted for him.

Thanks to you, we were able to raise $654.99 for him!

We sold 21 sweaters, which is very significant because our goal was to sell 30.

After 3 modifications to the splint, it is finally well adapted to his paw.

Below you will see his brace made in Pierrefonds by Ortho Design.

The splint will make it easier for Keta to move around. It will provide him with better support, better support, prevent injuries and we hope that it will promote the development of his muscle mass. Although the splint is new as of December 14, 2018, it will have to be integrated slowly so that he accepts working with it in his daily life.

December 21, 2018 — APRTCréations Admin


zputubeqbh said:

Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?

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