APRT and me,

It was in 2017 that I discovered APRT through a competition on Facebook MD . I instantly fell in love with the colorful clothes and accessories offered by Annie-Pier. Unfortunately, I didn't win the competition, but having subscribed to the APRT page, I regularly saw new updates on my news feed. A few months later, I fell in love with a dress. I remember it like it was yesterday. A turquoise floral half-circle dress. It was a few weeks before my birthday. It is therefore no surprise that this is the piece I asked for as a gift. It was the beginning of a long love story that continues to this day.

I remember my excitement upon receiving my package. The dress was simply perfect. The fabric, lively and colorful; the precise and flawless cut; the seams, professional. A beautiful dress, but also very comfortable and light. 4 years later, I can also confirm that it has remained beautiful despite multiple washings and that I still receive compliments when I wear it.

I couldn't remember in what order the following pieces were acquired, but there were many. 79 to be exact (but don’t tell my partner!). You might wonder how does one buy 79 pieces and still want more. It’s simple, in recent years the product offering has continued to grow. On its site you can find dresses, tunics, skirts, short-sleeved sweaters, long-sleeved sweaters, camisoles, jackets, leggings, shorts, shorts, jumpsuits and recently, to my great joy, sweatshirts. In addition, the choices of fabrics and prints are multiple and follow the trends.

The owner of the company also has a lot to do with my loyalty. Annie-Pier is a dynamic, creative and attentive young woman. I was able to meet her a few times at exhibitor shows and during special events organized directly at the APRT workshop. Each time there were great encounters. She cares about her customers and knows how to spoil us: competitions, discounts, Fan Club, Advent or Black Friday promotions to name just a few.

So this is how APRT has kept the flame alive all these years, without wavering.

Stéfanie B., Coaticook
Loyal customer since March 2018

March 14, 2022 — Annie-Pier Raymond

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