- an improvised road trip - 


How could I start this blog post about these 6 wonderful days on the road... I would certainly start by telling you that not being planned and organized gives you a feeling of well-being and freedom. We then decided day by day according to our common interests, our discoveries and according to the weather. I knew that by doing this road trip, I did not want to make reservations, nor plan the route, nor the activities. We still had conditions that we wanted to respect through our road trip such as: driving maximum 5h00/day, hiking a big mountain, seeing the ocean, sleeping in a hotel in case of rain and eating on the road. .

Anyway, here is a summary of our 6 days on the road. Some days will be more detailed than others for the simple and unique reason that these are my favorite activities.



Day 1

Mount Lafayette and Mount Lincoln, NH, USA


We went for a hike in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. The Whites have 48 vertices and are all different from each other.

I based myself on the site: http://www.alexhike.com/ for hiking.

It therefore offers a beautiful 14 km loop starting at the base of the mountain in the parking lot opposite the Lafayette place Campground which is called "Falling waters Trail". This trail takes us through Mount Lincoln which hides behind it, Mount Lafayette. We are not discouraged, the views are mind-blowing!



I would say that this release was my favorite of all!

A beautiful mountain hike of 6h00 with a D+ gain of 1110m totaling 14km.

We descended by a different path, the "Old bridle path" to complete the loop. I would also say that it's a long ride that has its difficulties. A little training in the mountains could be beneficial if you plan to do this outing.



We left with the idea that we could sleep anywhere on American soil, however, several "NO camping" indications are visible and fines of US$125 can be given so we made the decision to always find a campground to spend the night.

So we spent the night at Lafayette Place Campground at US$25 per night. The grounds are vast and surprisingly, there are no mosquitoes!

Plan a lot of the 25 cents US because the showers are greedy (ah ah ah).



Day 2

Do a lot of driving and stop in BOSTON, MA, USA


The boyfriend wanted to stop in the city of Boston while I wanted to get to our next stop as soon as possible, Provincetown, the tip of Massachusetts.

We were victims of traffic and greedy parking meters. The weather was overwhelming so we quickly got back on the road, I mean, the traffic (ah ah) to finally arrive at our second destination: Provincetown.

This little village reminded me so much of Victoria, BC, Canada. I recommend at least one lobster meal since it's the specialty there. You will therefore find all the restaurants, cafes, entertainment and more on the last street facing the ocean, the "Commercial street".

What we didn't know is that Provincetown is a "Gay friendly" city in the United States. In summer, a large part of the population presents its homosexual orientation. It was really nice to see a lot of gay couples happy and on vacation!

We spent the night in a small campground 5 minutes walk from "Commercial Street", the "Coastal Acres Campground" at US$53 per night (OUTCH).


Day 3

National province park, Herring cove beach, Provincetown, MA, USA


We started the day with breakfast at Liz' Cafe. I recommend this beautiful little place where every day, each table has 3 yellow roses.



Entrance and access to the beach cost us $20. I don't see how we could have parked the car for less since the parking meters are 25 cents US for 10 min. In addition with the entrance, you can visit the 6 beaches that surround the tip of the state of Massachusetts. I would have liked to spend more than a day in this city in order to discover it better. I A-D-O-R-E my day! We did the 10km loop on the beach returning over about 1.8km of giant rocks, back on road 6A to return to the parking lot by the small sand dunes with stretches of water. It was magical.



Dogs are allowed on this beach, however if you want to do the same route as us, there is a portion of the beach where dogs are not allowed. The protection of the vegetation takes precedence. In this section, you will be on a nudist beach for about 1km.

After our beautiful day we took the road to the state of New York in a hotel so as not to sleep in the rain.


Day 4

Times Square + Central Park, NY, USA


The boyfriend wanted to go visit New York City. Oh well, why not?

So we drove for several hours in traffic and arrived at our destination THANK GOD! We still did a lot of walking that day! I know now that I am a country girl than a city girl. I have to be honest, it was a long day. I was eager to return to the forest or at least find a fairly rustic campsite. I'm happy to have seen Times Square and Central Park, but nothing more.

FINALLY, we found the PERFECT little campsite 1 hour north of Manhattan NY, the "beaver pond campground" I loved spending the night there. Bear activity was high and there were deer roaming the campground. I felt like I belonged.



Day 5

Splashdown Beach water park, NY, USA


On the 5th day, we wanted to take it easy and just enjoy the weather without driving too much. We knew that 3 hours of driving awaited us in the evening to get closer to our next and last destination. So we opted for a water park in New York!

Price US$33



We were lucky because for each campsite we selected, there was space! It must be said that several of them were all booked from Friday to Sunday, that is for the weekend.

The last night of our road trip, we slept at "Eagle point campground" which is 1h00 drive from lac placid (last stop).


Day 6

Lake Placid, NY, USA


I wanted to visit this beautiful city and especially go boating on the lake. We opted for a 2 hour tandem kayak for US$50 (ah ah). We would have liked to rent a boat, but 250$US for 2 hours (gas not included) made no sense to me.

In short, we left for a 7km on the lake with strong winds and lots of waves. We had the chance to jump off a cliff but the "female dog grabbed me" as they say. We were very happy to return to the shore with dead arms (ah ah).

The road trip was coming to an end. On our first day of road trip we were riding in the white mountains of NH and on the last day of our road trip we rode in the Adirondacks. Along the We crossed the customs of Lacolle and ended the road trip with a good dinner at the Kuto tartar counter in Beloeil.



For those who wondered, the dogs stayed in boarding at the Gite des toutous: http://www.gitedestoutous.com/


What I would do differently:

1) At each stop in our road trip, I would stay 2 days (so 2 nights as well). We would take more time to enjoy the campsite but also the place we have selected to visit.

2) Make a few more meals yourself. We spent a lot on food (outch)

3) Plan 2 or 3 big activities or regions that we want to explore at the start of the road trip so that our expectations are similar.

4) I would have taken 2 more days (a road trip of 8 days and 7 nights)


What I will miss:

Frozen coffee from Dunkin donut,


Taco Bell



With that, I hope it will have given you the taste!




August 06, 2019 — APRTCréations Admin

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